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BY-LAWS of the

Massasoit Art Guild

Amended 1/15/2020


Article I.  NAME


The name of this organization shall be Massasoit Art Guild, hereinafter called MAG


Article II.  PURPOSE


The purposes of the MAG are to:


  • To foster the inner artistic growth of each and every member

  • To discuss and critique members' works

  • To be a support group for local artists

  • To motivate, encourage and share knowledge and experiences with others in the group

  • To plan, promote and present group shows

  • To plan informal and formal workshops

  • To invite guest professionals to share information and demonstrations on topics relating to the world of art



Membership in the MAG is open to artists of any fine art form or those truly interested in art or the support and growth of local artists and who are interested in the purposes of the organization.  To become a member, artists must agree to the purposes of the MAG, fill out the application form and submit it to the MAG President, pay the annual membership fee, as determined by the Executive Board,  and the $2.00 monthly meeting dues when attending a meeting, and continue to follow the by-laws and purposes of the MAG.  Fees must be paid in order for a member to participate in a show or hold office.



Prior to the January meeting each year a slate of officers will be proposed to the membership.  MAG officers will then be elected at the annual membership meeting held in January (weather permitting) of each year.  All members at the meeting will be entitled to cast one vote for each position.  There is no limit to length of time an office may be held.


The MAG Executive Board Officers and their duties are:


President:  The president is responsible to the membership for carrying out the purposes of the MAG.  He or she will run all called membership meetings.  He or she will keep the membership informed of the activities of all committees, officers, and other acting in the name of the MAG.  He or she can be removed by a two-thirds vote of the full membership.  


Vice President:  Responsible to the President, and will carry out those duties assigned to him or her by the President.  If the President is unable to carry out his or her duties because of illness or any other reason, the vice President will assume the duties and responsibilities of the President.


Secretary:  The Secretary is responsible to the President for keeping accurate records of all the group's activities.  These records will be kept in a permanent repository, which will be available to the membership upon request.  The Secretary is also responsible for recording all letters written to the group and keeping a file of all replies.  The Secretary puts out a monthly newsletter for the members and will arrange for printing, distribution and collection of membership renewals.  The Secretary will also keep an up-to-date Membership List.


Treasurer:  The Treasurer is responsible to the President for all financial activities of the group.  Accurate financial records will be kept in writing.  Once a month, at the MAG monthly meetings the Treasurer will report to the membership the financial status of MAG.    The Treasurer will also record payments of new and or renewing members and keep accurate records of their payments. 


Article V.  MEETINGS

The Photo Group and the Artist’s Group shall each meet a minimum of five times each year.  Members of both groups will be notified in advance of both meetings.


Elections will be held at the regular January meetings of both the Photo and Artists Groups, weather permitting.   The President, as needed, may call other membership meetings.  The President must give the membership seven days’ notice of all called meetings. 



The MAG President will reserve the right to establish Committees on an as-needed basis.  The president may appoint other committees when he or she thinks they are needed, or when the majority of the membership requests one.  All committees will have a chairperson and at least 2 other members.


Show Committee:  The annual show committee shall be formed in June.  The committee shall have a chairman, secretary, 2 treasurers, and subcommittees for publicity and refreshments.   


Executive committee:  The executive committee is responsible for carrying out the purposes of the MAG.  It shall consist of the four elected officers and anyone else whom the President may appoint.  A new executive committee will be named each time there is a new President.


Public Relations committee:  The public relations committee is responsible for keeping the public informed of the activities of the MAG.  It is responsible for putting out flyers, posters, social media notices and/or postcards for mailing about events and for informing appropriate newspapers, and television and radio stations of MAG activities. 


Planning Committee:  The Planning committee is responsible for planning events for the MAG.  These events include guest speakers, shows and other educational demonstrations that would comply with the MAG purposes.  Members wishing to submit ideas for future meeting events should contact the Planning committee who will notify the Executive committee.  The planning committee will submit all details of event at an executive meeting.


The Refreshment Committee:  The refreshment committee is responsible for getting and setting up refreshments at monthly MAG meetings, and at the openings of shows.  They may solicit the members to bring refreshments at the meetings or show openings of purchase refreshments as needed with a budget decided upon by the executive committee.  They will keep an inventory of supplies.


Fund Raising committee:  The fund raising committee will raise additional money when needed through sales, raffles, shows and other means, with the approval of the executive committee.


Nominating Committee:   Annually, prior to the November monthly meeting, the Nominating Committee will be formed from volunteers so that Officers can be recruited during October.  If there

are no volunteers, the executive committee will step in to assume the responsibility.  The Nominating Committee will research and create a slate of nominees to be presented at the January Meeting (one nominee for each office who has agreed in advance to accept the position if elected).  The Nominating Committee will notify the membership of slate of nominees prior to the January meeting.



The election will take place at the January meeting.  The slate will be formally presented to the membership.  A vote for the entire slate will be taken by a show of hands.  It must pass by a 2/3 vote of those in attendance.  In the event that the slate does not pass, a vote will be taken for each nominee individually.  New nominees will be proposed until all positions are filled. 



The president will preside at each monthly meeting, which will open with a business session.  Upon absence of the president, the next highest-ranking officer will preside.  Following the business session, a program will be presented.



These By-Laws may be amended only by a vote of 2/3 of those assembled at a regular meeting of the Guild.  All matters to be decided by a vote will require 2/3 of the vote to pass.

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